Michael Brenner: Europe-Jews-Muslims

NB: This essay brings us closer to the irredeemable racism of the rulers of the ‘free world’; and their habit of transferring their guilt and responsibility for mass crimes onto the shoulders of others. Here is another argument, directed at thoughtful Israelis (the AV is at this link). It is made by someone who is inclined toward the sad habit of insisting on ‘their’ theology being the Absolute truth, an attitude which I find unhelpful and reject. Even so, the argument is very thought-provoking; as is this one by Brenner, below these comments.

With the USA and its allies joining hands in a genocidal operation in broad daylight, it is necessary to remind the hordes of bigots and trolls that (a) antisemitism was a Christian dogma for centuries prior to the birth of Islam; and came to a head in the Holocaust. Many rulers of Nazi occupied countries such as France, collaborated in sending their Jewish populations to the gas chambers. None of them paid for their heinous actions in the manner that Palestinians have, for something they did not do; (b) Large sections of the Indian media – and some Western ones too – refer to Gaza as if it is a country. They talk of the conflict between ‘these two nations’ etc. One wonders if this is just stupidity or a deliberate conflation of occupier and occupied. Gaza and the West Bank are not independent nation-states, but territories captured by Israel from Egypt and Jordan in 1967 – in short, conquered land, never returned. Their populations have lived under occupation for 56 years.

The people of Gaza are descendants of Palestinian refugees who fled from their villages (in what is now southern Israel) due to the terrorist ethnic cleansing of 1948, called Naqba, or catastrophe. Now the entire Arab world fears another forced exodus; (c) Palestinian refugees have also been subject to massacres such as Sabra and Shatila (1983); (d) Israel has continually encroached upon these lands – a violent process that goes on to this day – see the map in this article; (e) Hamas has committed horrific, murderous and criminal attacks upon innocent civilians. They are terrorists with perverted consciences, who deserve to be caught and punished.

But are all Palestinians, including children, responsible for the crimes of Hamas? No. Is not the idea of collective guilt and the inter-generational transfer of guilt the very essence of antisemitism? Yes. Let us also recall that Hamas was encouraged and supported by the Israeli administration under Netanyahu; as explained by this Israeli newspaper; (f) Despite UN resolutions calling this occupation illegal, the USA always vetoed Security Council resolutions calling Israel to account. This habit was continued on October 18, 2023.

The USA also supplies vast amounts of military aid to Israel. The US arms industry makes lots of money from this eternal warfare. Over 5000 Palestinians have been killed so far since the bombing began. 2360 children have been killed in 3 weeks (see the photo of terrified little kids if you have the stomach for it).

If Gaza is such a headache, why does Israel not vacate it completely? And the West Bank as well? Isn’t it true that Israel wants the land but not the people? And prolonged genocide is the only way to achieve this?

It is inconceivable that the ‘free world’ would support, let alone supply deadly weapons to such an operation, if the victims were white Europeans. President Biden keeps saying Israel has the right to defend itself. Not a word about 55 years of occupation, being reduced to a source of cheap labour, as in the bantustans of apartheid-era South Africa. Biden can go to Vietnam and behave as if an American – instigated war that resulted in 3.8 million Vietnamese being killed, was a noble effort. He even presented a medal to an aged American soldier just prior to the visit to Vietnam. The shamelessness of the American establishment is breath-taking. For them, we Asiatics and Arabs and Africans and Vietnamese are so much biomass, undeserving of human status, to be exterminated at will.

We love you, but we were always dispensable

Enough of the ‘free world’s’ deceit and doublespeak. I have learned over decades to be cautious with words. But I will now repeat the words of Pastor Niemoller at his last sermon in Germany in 1937: No more are we ready to keep silent at man’s behest when God commands us to speak.

Joe Biden and those Americans who support his policy of open support for genocide are Christians (as far as I know). So I can only remind them of the words of – another Asiatic – Jesus on the cross: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke, 23: 34). May God have mercy on your souls. DS


Israel’s inhuman treatment of the Palestinians – culminating in their massacre and mass eviction – leaves Europeans unmoved. Instead, they cheer on the Israelis, outdo themselves in effusive displays of solidarityWhat are the sources of this psychopathology? 1) The residual, latent desire to absolve Europe of the sins committed against the Jews ever since they were stigmatized as the killers of the Christians’ Lord & Saviour. It took roughly 1,900 years for the Jew-haters to take the final, macabre act of revenge. Volunteers from 16 European countries formed SS divisions that participated – directly or indirectly (the largest contingents made up of Ukrainians). That holocaust had a powerful sobering effect on the contemporary soul of European Christians whether believers, practicing or nominal

Europe has an obsession with Jews. For nearly 2 millennia, it hated them and persecuted them. Now, after a respite of a few decades, contempt and abuse is directed at Muslims – primarily Arab Muslims – with uncanny similarities, all in the name of supporting Jews. Israel’s inhuman treatment of the Palestinians – culminating in their massacre and mass eviction from Gaza – leaves Europeans unmoved. Instead, they cheer on the Israelis, outdo themselves in effusive displays of solidarity, in the quick dispatch of weapons so that the IDF can better carry out their odious campaign, in providing instant validation for the most outrageous lies in the wake of the most outrageous atrocities. Propinquity has accompanied moral backing. Leaders scurry to Tel Aviv to get as close to the action as possible and to steal a photo of themselves embracing the homicidal Bibi Netanyahu – a copy for the next campaign brochure, a copy for the eventual memoir.

The West clearly has a big problem with matters of religion, race and ethnicity. It is multiform, it mutates, it waxes and wanes, it shifts focus and fixation – but it remains lodged in the collective psyche. While this obviously is not universal among a population of 400 million, it is manifestly prevalent and deep-seated. When the stimulus is strong and acute, it flares like a gas field when the drill hits paydirt. The entire panoply of institutions – public and private – rise up as if choreographed to vent the same emotions, make the same harsh, unqualified judgments, use the same crude slogans, drape themselves in the same banners of self-righteousness and self-proclaimed moralism. Government leaders, politicos, media, pundits, make the same cacophonous noises, aggressively impose the same uniformity of opinion, and punish the few dissenters.

Thus, the exaltation of the Jews of Israel – honored and cosseted – is matched by the dehumanization of Palestine’s Muslims. Of course, it is not just the long-suffering Palestinians who are at once denied – in principle – the right to the privileged status of victimhood and collectively are condemned as guilty of the most heinous crimes committed by al-Qaeda, the Islamic State or Hamas. Men, women, children – without exception. It is all Muslim communities….



Palestine and Israel: Historical, Legal and Moral Issues

Saudi prince slams Hamas, Israel with India praise: ‘Prefer civil disobedience’

What will the children who survive the onslaught of Gaza think of those who let it happen?

Peacekeepers, Fatah or anarchy: what would follow an Israeli ‘victory’ in Gaza?

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Really?

United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

No Path to Ending Bloodshed If Palestinian Rights Continue to Be Denied

Some information for Israelis (and the rest of us)

Israel’s Colonial Revenge Genocide in Gaza is the latest in a Long History of such Massacres

‘The most successful land-grab strategy since 1967’ as Israeli settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory

Biden’s Historically Illiterate and Hypocritical Speech on Ukraine and Gaza

Professor Rita Giacaman on The Psychosocial Health of Palestinian Youth: Occupation and Resistance (2018)

A real friend of Israel would be making it face up to some uncomfortable truths

Roy Cohen – ‘In our teens, we dreamed of making peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Then my friend was shot’

Evil, with one eye

We’re anti-Zionist Jews and we see genocide unfolding in Gaza

Philistines & Pharisees

Standing up for Palestine is also standing up to save the west from the worst of itself

The Agony of Palestine